Friday, February 10, 2012

Differences between Battlefield 3 and Bad Company 2?

What are the main differences between the Battlefield series and the Battlefield Bad Company series (on games consoles, not PC)? Thanks.Differences between Battlefield 3 and Bad Company 2?
The bad company series follow...well bad company.( the adventures of marlowe, sweetwater, sarge, and haggard). that series is generally comedic whereas battlefield 3 focuses on realism. in battlefield 3 they tried to be as realistic as possible. also all the characters I mentioned before arnt in it.
More bullet damage in bf3 , new attactchments, jets and you can go prone. assault class gets medic kits. The lmg players get the ammo box instead. I prefer the lower damage though.Differences between Battlefield 3 and Bad Company 2?
the differences are you are now able to unlock and choose different weapon attachments (scopes tripods muzzles laser sights flashlights) and perks (extra ammo extra explosives flak protection better sprint) also vehicles have upgrades too.

Plus it is more realistic bullets have trajectory now so it is harder to be a sniper which was a pain in the **** on BFBC2 :)Differences between Battlefield 3 and Bad Company 2?
for consoles nothing much at all,

their is a new engine which doesnt even run that well on consoles and i prefer the BFBC2 engine and jets,

thats about it besides for generic stuff like new maps, weapons, and vehicles

honestly just get BFBC2, less glitches, more fun, no little kids (there are SO many in BF3), its more balanced, and you get the same BF experience for a smaller price

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