Wednesday, February 1, 2012

What is the point of Battlefield bad Company 2 multiplayer?

In bad company, is it just about killing people and thats it? I like mw2 better because you kill people to level up, get xp, or just to get a killstreak reward.So what about bad company 2, whats the point?What is the point of Battlefield bad Company 2 multiplayer?
conquest is about working as a large team in various squads to take control of specific locations on the map with the ultimate goal of maintaining the majority of control and over running the opposing team.

squad deathmatch is about fighting as individual squads of ~5 players against various other squads with the goal of being the first squad to 50 kills total.

rush is the act of one team attacking and attempting to destroy two locations on the map while the opposing team defends. once those locations are destroyed, the attacking team moves onto two new locations. the goal is to completely over run the defending team or to defend and stop the attacking team.

I play mw2 and bf2bc. mw2 is great for quick play and killstreak rewards and whatnot. BF2:BC though has the best realism out of all the games i have ever played. I did a tour in iraq and let me tell you...the sounds and shellings/exposions couldnt have been more realistic. BF2:BC is all about teamwork though and has longer games. You do level up in BF to different ranks and you get better weapons and weapon attachments as well. There is no kill streak rewards but you do get some thing such as the ability to call in an artillery strike every few minutes with the recon class.
Theres different game modes like rush and conquest. In rush if you're the attackers then you have to destroy a bomb site when the defenders, defend. Conquest is basically like a domination except it takes a little longer to get the flags. Theres xp to be earned and new weapons and gadgets to unlock in bc2 aswell but no killstreaks cause theres tanks you can drive aswell as uav's and helicopters you can fly.What is the point of Battlefield bad Company 2 multiplayer?
To win. As far as unlocks go, you unlock new weapons, abilities etc. Fortunately you can do all of this without killing anyone at all. You can be a medic and just run around healing/reviving people and earn mucho xp. Same if you're an engineer and repair vehicles. You get points for spotting the enemy as a sniper. You get points for resupplying your squad if you're an assault class. I love that frickin' game man. I haven't touched MW2 since I got it.What is the point of Battlefield bad Company 2 multiplayer?
What's that thing most games are supposed to provide you
most of the ppl sumed it up....... bfbc2 is alot better than mw2 i sold mw2 after i played bfc2
u lv up in BFBC2 plus u can use vehicles and use uav heils and 1000x batter than cod MW2
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